Femme Gives charity event
Femme always wants to help those in need, those who she knows and who she does not know.
This is a very long story short but that is how the first Femme gives charity event,
formerly known as FemmeTalk x Kerstactie, was born.
This is a very long story short but that is how the first Femme gives charity event,
formerly known as FemmeTalk x Kerstactie, was born.
In 2019 Femme had 6 people in her volunteering team and together they helped 9 families in and around Amsterdam.
In the following year the organization grew and Femme had 15 volunteers,
together they helped 34 families. The spread went beyond Amsterdam towards other big cities.
In 2020 the number of families grew to 55 and in 2021, Femme Gives supported 101 families
all around the Netherlands with approximately 50 volunteers.
In the following year the organization grew and Femme had 15 volunteers,
together they helped 34 families. The spread went beyond Amsterdam towards other big cities.
In 2020 the number of families grew to 55 and in 2021, Femme Gives supported 101 families
all around the Netherlands with approximately 50 volunteers.
in 2022 femme gives celebrates her 5th anniversary
and the aim is to support 150 familes all around the Netherlands.
and the aim is to support 150 familes all around the Netherlands.
Another amazing charity event filled with love, positive energy, great vibes and off course; helping people! As the crisis in the Netherlands grew we were able to help 101 families. We actually had to put a stop after the 100th family, however the last box was gives to a person who came to get the boxes from the store herself, becuase she needed it so badly. We were so moved by her story that we did the grocery shopping together with her and helped her carry everything. We are ready for more and better stories like this one.
We helped 55 families this year ! What an experience. Not only the team grew, but also we applied some new working methods to get everything done in time. It feels like one big happy family and when we go out into the country to deliver the boxes some give aways got emotional. People their stories can be so painful and they are so strong for still standing and going on! We are happy to help them all.
The charity event of 2019 was a huge success, bigger than Femme and her team could even dream of. People donated around €800 and volunteers collected over 50 crates filled with foods in one night. Together with almost twenty volunteers Femme packed two boxes per family and distributed the boxes to 30+ families all over the Netherlands.
The goal for 2020 is to host the charity event in different cities at the same time.
Femme loves giving, if she would have all the money in the world she would share it with everybody without looking at race, religion, sexual orientation or any of those things. Unfortunately, she does not have all the money in the world. But what she does have is her giving spirit, great network, ability to plan and organize, radio platform and her idea’s. With all these aspects she organized her first Christmas Charity event in 2018. Within a few days she came up with a plan. Together with the FemmeTalk crew she started organizing the event and on Wednesday the 18th of December 2018 they collected as much food that they needed four cars to transport it. She asked Yellowbrick (her parttime employer at that time) as a sponsor and made sure that different families throughout the country could enjoy Christmas a little bit more.

To organize the Femme gives charity event we would like to thank all of our sponsors who are listed below:
If you know somebody or are somebody who could use the Christmas package,
please let us know via info@dj-femmetastic.com
please let us know via info@dj-femmetastic.com